Ben’s Priorities in the Legislature

  • World-Class Public Education

  • Supporting Workers and Creating Economic Opportunity

  • Affordable Housing and Homelessness Solutions

  • Safe and Inclusive Communities

  • Protecting our Environment and Bold Climate Policy

  • Lowering Health Care Costs

  • Investing in our Infrastructure and Expanding Public Transportation

  • Reviving Oregon’s Civic Culture

Making Our Community Safer: Ben secured millions of dollars for safety improvements on Hall Boulevard, and he supported new resources for violence prevention, public defense, and law enforcement. He helped pass legislation to stop public drug use and give police the tools they need to go after drug dealers.

Addressing Homelessness and Building Housing: Ben supported record investments in housing production to make living in Oregon more affordable. He voted to dramatically expand Oregon's behavioral health and addiction treatment workforce and infrastructure.

Lowering the Cost of Living: In the legislature, Ben has fought to reduce the cost of healthcare and prescription drugs. He supported investments that will improve access to child care and create good-paying jobs in Washington County.

Improving Oregon’s Education System: Ben was a chief sponsor of Oregon’s landmark Early Literacy Success Initiative. He is a champion for a well-funded, high-quality system from pre-K through higher education that empowers students to succeed.

Standing Up for Oregon Values: Ben is a steadfast defender of reproductive freedom, voting rights, and equality for the LGBTQ+ community. He supports protecting our environment and doing our part to combat climate change.

“Ben is a committed leader with a hopeful vision for Oregon’s future. No one will work harder to deliver results for all Oregonians.”

-Governor Barbara Roberts

“Ben is exactly what Oregon needs right now — a bright, visionary public servant committed to solving our most complex problems in a way that builds community.”

-Governor John Kitzhaber

“Ben has a proven track record of building consensus and thinking independently, even on challenging issues. I can’t think of anyone better to represent our community than Ben.” 

-Former Tigard Mayor Jason Snider